Redating an impressive issue of Antoninus Pius from Neapolis
Los 1597
JUDAEA. Neapolis. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Hexassarion (Bronze, 37 mm, 26.48 g, 12 h), dated 89 = 160/1. ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤⲰΝΙΝΟϹ ϹЄΒΑϹ ЄΥϹЄ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius to right, seen from behind. Rev. ΦΛ ΝЄΑϹ ΠΟΛЄⲰϹ ϹΥΡΙΑϹ ΠΑΛΑΙϹΤΙ / ЄΤ - ΠΘ Helmeted nude warrior advancing left, holding transverse spear in his right hand and Nike in his left; to left, shield leaning against cuirass. RPC IV.3 online 9915 corr. (same dies, but dated ΠΘ not ΠЄ). SNG Copenhagen 16 corr. (same dies, but dated ΠΘ not ΠЄ). Extremely rare, the third and finest known example of this large and impressive issue, and the first with a clear date. Areas of weakness and somewhat smoothed, otherwise, very fine.

Originally dated to ΠЄ = 156/7 in RPC online, based on two known examples in poor condition, our much finer example corrects the reading to ΠΘ, indicating production date for the coins to the CY 89 = 160/1, coinciding with the final year of Pius' reign.
100 CHF
1300 CHF
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